Room for Rent
San Jose CA 95125, USA
Point of Contact: VictorAsking monthly Rent: $1100
Victor is looking to live with : a Female
Are smokers allowed: No
Is the room next to public transportation?: Yes
Are pets allowed?: No
Additional Information
i have a room for rent, the apartment is "avalon willow glen" located in south san jose. this is a beautiful modern and gated community. please check their website for details: am a single family living with my wife, a little kid with two median size friendly dogs. i am looking for a single roommate (non-smoker) with simple life, no pets and no dramas. rent is $1100 including a parking spot, internet, cable, water, gas, sewage and electricity. we have in-home washer and dryer. deposit is 1 month rental.
i am looking at least 6 month lease. 30 days advanced notice is required before you leave.
一房出, 地址位於 south san jose 交通方便<周圍有公軚, 購物中心, 電影院 活能方便.
房$1100 圅軚位 水電 垃圾 網路 電視, 4月4可搬入 暼金$1100