Roommate Profile
San Diego CA 92117, USA
Point of Contact: sashaHow much is sasha looking to pay in rent?: $800
sasha is looking to live with: Anyone
Does sasha smoke: No
Does sasha need to be next to public transportation?: Yes
Does sasha have a pet?: No
Additional Information name is sasha..and i am from kuala lumpur malaysia...i am looking for a room in usa...california in san diego because i need to work on something for 2 years and a half...i am ready to make 1 year payment as an advance for your clean good room,furnished with good housemates or roomates..i prefer non-smoking people...pets allowded...parties nevermind...parking...
i dont mind if the room is furnished or no...i have my own furnitures to transfer to the new room ...
may god bliss you and me